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Clwydians Moonrise Timelapse #3

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The story behind this video

A bright, cold and clear winter's eve in January 2022, and I'm out and about on the slopes of Moel Famau, the highest peak in the Clwydian Range Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty near my home in northeast Wales.

Far to the northeast, the first full moon of the year, known as the 'Wolf Moon' has risen into the twilight sky over the larch trees of Coed Moel Famau amd I'm all set up and ready to capture the hundreds of still images needed to create this time lapse video of the event.

Conditions were perfect, with not a breath of wind to shake my long telephoto lens and not a cloud in the sky to distract from the beautiful details in the moon's face.

It's only at this time oy the year that the full moon rises over the trees of Coed Moel Famau, so I was especially blessed to be able to witness and film the event under such rare weather and light.

Video data

Filename - clwydians moonrise timelapse 03

Camera - Canon EOS 6DMK2

Lens - 100-400mm zoom @ 220mm

Exposure (start of sequence) - 1/30 sec @ f/11, ISO100
Exposure (end of sequence) - 1/30 sec @ f/11, ISO100

Filters - None.

Shooting interval - 1 second

Music - Bach Cello Suite No. 1, G Major, Prelude - Cooper Cannell.

Location - Clwydian Range AONB, North Wales

This clip - HD 720p, 30fps (4K and 1080p HD formats also available)

Clip duration - 20 seconds