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Beach abnd Rocks #12

Rock and sand pattern at Solva harbour in the Pembrokeshire National Park, Wales

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The story behind this image

Liz and I spent a few days in the autumn of 2016 at Solva, on the Pembrokeshire coast.

At low tide we were able to walk out up the short estuary and round a headland onto a secluded beach.

With flat, overcast conditions giving a diffuse, shadowless light, photographing a grand scene encompassing sand, sea and sky was a bit of a pointless exercise.

But that same flat light was ideal for picturing the details in the rocks and sand at the high water mark, especially once I'd spotted a small run-off stream forming a lovely 'S' curve along the edge of the beach.

A bit more exploring and then, with the tide coming back in, it was time to retreat back up the estuary for a coffee in the cafe on the harbour wall.

What a lovely place Solva is.

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Image data

Filename - beach rock 12.jpg

Camera - Canon 6D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 60mm

Exposure - 1/8 sec @ f11, ISO100

Filters - Polarising filter used to remove glare.

Location - Solva, Pembrokeshire, Wales

This image - 533x800px JPEG

Conversion - Adobe Lightroom

Comments - Tripod, cable release and mirror lockup used the prevent camera movement