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Broad Haven Beach #3

Rock formation in the sand on Broad Haven beach, Pembrokshire National Park, Wales

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The story behind this image

The Pembrokeshire National Park, Wales, is mostly all about the coastline.

With dramatic cliffs, pristine sand and turbulent seas, set against a backdrop of somewhat variable weather conditions, it was no wonder Liz and I spent a lot our our time during our mini-break here enjoying the stark beauty of the many coves, inlets and beaches adorning the coast.

One of the larger stretches of sandy beach is at Broad Haven, on the west facing coast at St Brides Bay, a favourite spot for surfers with big rollers sweeping up the beach.

Flat sand is very nice for water sports, but only provides marginal interest for the outdoor photographer.

Fortunately for me, the beach at Broad Haven is bounded at its northern end by some dramatic and fascinating rock formations which are uncovered at low tide and make for some much more interesting photographic compositions.

So as the tide receded my wife Liz and I advanced into the rocks, photographing as we went.

The tide had just cleared this large slab of rock when we arrived, leaving behind a reflective patch of wet sand which I used to turn the single rock slab into an arrowhead shape, pointing from right to left across the frame.

License this image

Image data

Filename - broad haven beach 03.jpg

Camera - Canon 6D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 28mm

Exposure - 1/6 sec @ f16, ISO100

Filters - Polarising filter used to remove glare and enhance colours. Two stop neutral density filter used to balance the exposure between reality and reflection.

Location - Broad Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales

This image - 800x533pxpx JPEG

Conversion - Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Comments - Tripod, mirror lockup and cable release used to prevent camera movement