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Lake, rock and boulder #1

Lake, rock and boulder, Watson Lake, Arizona

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The story behind this image

Just when I thought Arizona couldn't possibly provide me with anymore amazing landscape opportunities, up pops a place like this!

This is Watson Lake, on the outskirts of Prescott which is about 40 miles to the west of where Liz and I were staying in Sedona.

We found this lake thanks to our trusty guide book, but the guide book didn't prepare us for the 'out of this world' eroded granite geology that met our gaze after we had parked up and walked to the lake.

Trying to photograph the scenery in a meaningful way when we first got there in mid afternoon wasn't possible, as the high sun bleached all detail and colour from the scene.

The picture shown here were taken much later, at the last possible moment before the sun disappeared behind a hill to the west and cast the lake into shadow.

What a place - made even better by the take away pizza we enjoyed while waiting for the light.

License this image

Image data

Filename - lake rock boulder 01.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 17-40mm zoom @ 40mm

Exposure - 1/100sec @ f11, ISO200

Location - Watson Lake, Arizona

This image - 800x640px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - Polarising filter used to enhance colours.