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sa Calobra Rock, Mallorca #3

Eroded karst limestone rock on the beach at sa Calobra, Mallorca

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The story behind this image

sa Colabra rocks!

Well, no it doesn't, not in terms of a destination for someone wanting to see authentic Mallorca anyway.

But in terms of rocks - it rocks!

sa Colabra, on the west coast of Mallorca, is built around the Torrent de Pareis, which has some really amazing karst limestone geology to admire.

So while all the other tourists were photographing the sea and the few not so tastefully developed restaurants (expensive and not so good food by the way) I was concentrating on the limestone.

This particular view, showing the undercut edge of the cliff at the sea's edge, is divided into two opposite halves.

The lower half shows the fluid sea, never the same from one second to the next, smooth and fluid.

The upper half of the image, in contrast, shows the solid cliff, seemingly unchanging, but with jagged featured and contours that give the lie to that statement.

So in this single composition we have two justapoxed time tracks, one in which things change in the blink of an eye, and one in which change occurs only over the course of years, or even centuries.

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Image data

Filename - mallorca sa calobra rock 03.jpg

Camera - Canon EOS 6D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 50mm

Exposure - 1/40 sec @ f8, ISO100

Location - sa Colabra, Mallorca

This image - 800x533px JPEG

Conversion - Adobe Lightroom

Comments - -0.7ev exposure compensation applied to preserve highlights