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Petroglyph #3

Petroglyph, Painted Desert, Arizona

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The story behind this image

This image is of a Native American petroglyph (rock drawing), situated near to the Painted Desert in Arizona.

My wife Liz and I were vacationing in Sedona, and I wanted to take the opportunity to visit a petroglyph site as I'd seen photos of this type of archeological art on other websites (notably Alain Briot's site and I wanted to experience this ancient culture first hand.

Well I wasn't disappointed, and even though access to these petroglyphs was restricted it was still quite an emotional experience to stand close to and photograph something that had been crafted hundreds of year ago by an indigenous people, and left as a relic of their history and culture for us to connect with today.

To bring out the emotional and cultural aspects of the photo, I converted it to monochrome with a sepia tint and darkened the corners to focus attention on the art itself.

License this image

Image data

Filename - petroglyph 03.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 100-400mm zoom @ 400mm

Exposure - 1/800sec @ f8, ISO1600

Location - Painted Desert, Arizona

This image - 800x640px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - Fast shutter speed used to prevent camera shake with handheld exposure.