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Rock #7

Rock patterns, Anglesey, North Wales

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The story behind this image

The island of Anglesey, off the North Wales coast, has some great geological features.

I find that, most of the time, the best place to view rocks is where they are regularly immersed in water. This both erodes the rocks into fantastic patterns, and causes any ores inside to leach to the surface where they will stain the rocks with a variety of colours depending on the type of ore present.

This particluar composition of colour and pattern was found on the beach at Porth Trewn, a favourite spot of mine.

License this image

Image data


Filename - rock 07.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 50mm prime

Exposure - 1/4sec @ f16, ISO100

Location - Anglesey, North Wales

This image - 533x800px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - Tripod, mirror lockup and cable release used to prevent camera movement.