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Rock #10

Rock patterns, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

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The story behind this image

This is a composotion of contrasts.

I must have spent at least half an hour (a long time for me) walking around this shale rock face on the beach at Clogher Strand on Ireland's Dingle Peninsula, just looking at the fossils and the various shapes and colours on display.

When photographing details of this sort I usually look for patterns, colours and details that make for a composotion that has more depth to it than just a superficial snapshot.

In this image there's a contrast in colour, form and permanence between the round grey pebble, placed roughly according to the rule of thirds, and the surrounding shale with its bands of colour and straight geometric shapes.

I love it when a composotion comes together as sweetly as this one does, and this image gives me a great deal of visual pleasure.

License this image

Image data

Filename - rock 10.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 50mm prime

Exposure - 1/3sec @ f16, ISO100

Location - Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

This image - 800x533px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - Tripod, mirror lockup and cable release used to prevent camera movement.