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Rock and flowers #1

Sandstone rock and flowers, Sedona, Arizona

Click on the image for licensing terms

The story behind this image

During our vacation in Sedona, Arizona, one of the things that suprised and amazed me was the tenacity and determination of the trees and plants in this semi-arid environment to cling to life any which way they could.

From an image making point of view, such small scenes can be very powerful as visual metaphors, illustrating survival, the contrast between life and death, beauty in a place of barreness and so on.

When I photograph something like this I usually try and exclude everything in the scene that doesn't add to the story, thus increasing the power of the message I'm trying to convey.

License this image

Image data

Filename - rock flowers 01.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 32mm

Exposure - 1/25sec @ f5.6, ISO400

Location - Sedona, Arizona

This image - 533x800px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - Lens stabilisation used to prevent camera shake with hand held exposure.