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Rock and shells #1

Rock with attached crustaceans, Anglesey

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The story behind this image

Do you have favourite places in the world, places that you'll visit again and again, places that evoke sharp memories of joy and happiness, or pain and sorrow?

Of course, we all have places that, and one of mine is a small cove called Church Bay, on the island of Anglesey, off the North Wales coast.

My wife Liz and I have many shared memories of Church Bay, holding hands and walking through the surf, playing with our children there when they were young and so on.

Now we re-visit it every now and then and remind each other of times past, while still enjoying the beauty and peace to be found there.

The beach itself is a wonderful mixture of golden sand, rockpools teeming with life, and the most striking green rocks, which I suppose are igneous as they have been worn smooth by the action of countless centuries of waves and storms.

Looking at these rocks more closely you'll find colonies of crustaceans clinging tenaciously to the surface, just begging to be arranged into colourful compositions for a photograph.

Here are just a couple such arrangements that, to me, bring out a little of the beauty and grace that can be found in small things and special places.

License this image

Image data

Filename - rock shells 01.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 105mm

Exposure - 1/40sec @ f11, ISO100

Location - Church Bay, Anglesey

This image - 800x800px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - Polarising filter used to reduce glare and enhance colours.