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Sand and rock #1

Sand and rock, Bedruthan Steps, Cornwall

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The story behind this image

Beaches are fantastic places for photography of all kinds, and in all kinds of light conditions. Even when the light is flat and grey there are details in the rocks and sand to be isolated out of the grand scene and made into interesting little tableaux.

These particular details were photographed on the beach at Bedruthan Steps in Cornwall, on a day that was heavily overcast with no direct lighting at all. I find this type of lighting condition to be perfect for revealing small details that would otherwise be lost in the high contrast of a sunlit scene. Also, colours are much more saturated under overcast light, and even though it doesn't seem so to the naked eye. a polarising filter will bring out colours with a richness and vibrance that can appear washed out under direct lighting.

So I always try looking down when strolling along the beach - you never know what visual treat you might find.

License this image

Image data

Filename - sand rock 01.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 45mm

Exposure - 1/15sec @ f11, ISO200

Location - Bedruthan Steps, Cornwall

This image - 640x800px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - Polarising filter used to enhance colours.