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Rock and sand #4

Rock and sand, Clogher Strand, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

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The story behind this image

Boundaries fascinate me.

Whether it be the boundary between night and day, light and dark, land and water, cold and warm air masses, there's usually something interesting and inspiring to see at these times and places.

In this photo the boundary lies between immoveable rock and ever shifting sand, between the flat plane of the washed beach and the three dimensionality of the shale.

This is the beach at Clogher Strand on Ireland's west coast and I'm standing in the surf as waves wash over this scene, rendering the sand perfectly flat and unmarked.

Timing my shot as a wave recedes, washing around my feet, I capture this beguiling little composition. On first glance just a simple beach shot, but the boundary adds so much more meaning and metaphor.

License this image

Image data

Filename - sand rock 04.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 50mm prime

Exposure - 1/2sec @ f16, ISO100

Location - Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

This image - 800x533px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - Polarising filter used to enhance colours.