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Sandstone and river #1

Sandstone reflecting in Oak Creek, Sedona, Arizona

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The story behind this image

This photo was taken along the West Fork of Oak Creek, near Sedona, Arizona.

At this point Oak Creek had sculpted an overhang in the sandstone bank, and all the wonderful colours and textures of the rock were reflecting in the still waters of the river.

Only one problem. In order to get this shot, with the sinuous line of the riverbank snaking through the composition, I had to wade into the middle of the creek complete with camera, tripod and various accessories.

My wife Liz shuffled off to hide in the undergrowth, embarrased by my antics which had drawn the attention of a few passers by.

Still, you don't travel halfway around the world to photograph a scene that you've dreamt of visiting for months, and then not make an effort!

License this image

Image data

Filename - sandstone river 01.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 35mm

Exposure - 4secs @ f11, ISO200

Location - Sedona, Arizona

This image - 800x533px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - ND grad filter used to balance exposure.