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Sandstone and trees #3

Sandstone and trees along Oak Creek, Sedona, Arizona

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The story behind this image

It's funny how certain colours can become associated with certain places.

For me, Arizona, especially the red rock country around Sedona, will always be red and green.

I was expecting the red, but I wasn't expecting the green, and both Liz and I were bowled over by how verdant this part of America turned out to be, despite the heat.

This view of the West Fork of Oak Creek is typical of what we experienced as we hiked along the miles of trails that crisscross the area. It seems that wherever there's a bit of water then life just explodes.

This sandstone rock caught my eye, standing out as a red monolith in a surrounding sea of green.

License this image

Image data

Filename - sandstone trees 03.jpg

Camera - Canon 5D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 35mm

Exposure - 1/30sec @ f8, ISO200

Location - Sedona, Arizona

This image - 800x533px JPEG

Conversion - ACR & PS-CS2

Comments - Polarising filter used to enhance colours.