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Port Isaac #1

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The story behind this video

Huge Atlantic rollers batter the coast of North Cornwall at Port Isaac in a stiff onshore breeze, sending plumes of spray high up the forbidding cliff faces.

This is my kind of scenery and my kind of weather!

Not for me boring blue skies and calm conditions, I like a bit of action when I'm out photographing and North Cornwall coastline provided plenty.

My wife Liz and I were on a two week holiday exploring Devon and Cornwall, and we made a point of visiting Port Isaac, having been there on a previous holiday so we knew what to expect.

This view is of the headland at the mouth of Port Isaac, with the coastline taking the brunt of the angry seas.

Just inland of this view is a huge double breakwater which protects the harbour and town from those monstrous waves.

Filming this scene took a bit of effort, with my tripod twiching in the gusts and with my camera optics quickly getting covered in salt deposits blown up to our clifftop viewpoint.

Well worth getting a bit windswept and salty to experience such magnificent natrual power.

Video data

Filename - port isaac 01

Camera - Canon EOS 6D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom

Exposure - Aperture and ISO selected to allow 1/60 sec shutter speed.

Filters - Polarising filter used to reduce glare and enhance colours.

Location - Port Isaac, North Cornwall, England

This clip - HD 720p, 30fps (1080p HD format also available)

Clip duration - 30 seconds