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Port Isaac Timelapse #1

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The story behind this video

Port Isaac, on the Atlantic coast of North Cornwall, is the quintessential olde worlde Cornish fishing village, with old stone buildings arranged around a narrow harbour protected from the angry seas by a substantial pair of breakwaters.

My wife Liz and I made a couple of forays to Port Isaac during our two week holiday spent exploring Devon and Cornwall, huffing and puffing up and down the steep cobbled streets while admiring the views and the old buildings.

But on this occasion we stayed down at the harbour front, sipping coffee, watching and filming as the tide moved up the gently sloping beach, slowly floating the flotilla of small boats moored out towards the breakwater.

It was late afternoon as we watched the tide, and with the sun dropping down towards the western horizon behind the cliffs to our left, the beach itself was soon covered in shadow.

Once all the direct sunlight had gone, and all the small boats were afloat, it was finally time to pack the camera away and head home for a late tea.

What a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

Video data

Filename - port isaac timelapse 01

Camera - Canon EOS 6D

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 28mm

Exposure (start of sequence) - 1/250 sec @ f4, ISO100
Exposure (end of sequence) - 1/30 sec @ f4, ISO100

Filters - Polarising filter used to reduce glare and enhance colours. 2 stop neutral density graduated filter used to reduce the brightness of the sky.

Shooting interval - 2 seconds

Location - Port Isaac, Cornwall, England

This clip - HD 720p, 30fps (4K+, and HD formats also available)

Clip duration - 25 seconds