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Port Isaac, Cornwall #3

Old red letterbox at Port Isaac, Cornwall, England

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The story behind this image

The olde worlde fishing village of Port Isaac on the Atlantic coast of North Cornwall is a sensory delight, with the all the sights, smells and sounds you would expect at the British seaside.

My wife Liz and I made a couple of visits here during our two week stay in the area, enjoying the rugged coastal scenery and quirky steep cobbled streets of the town, leading down to the small sheltered harbour surrounded by imposing sea walls.

As well as the lovely big views overlooking Port Isaac and the surrounding landscapes, I also enjoyed spotting and photographing the little details that do so much to define the nature of a place.

Such as this old fashioned red postbox I found embedded in a whitewashed wall as we walked along the main street, thankfully devoid of traffic and much nicer for it.

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Image data

Filename - port isaac 03

Lens - 24-105mm zoom @ 55mm

Exposure - 1/60 sec @ f11, ISO100

Filters - Polarising filter used to reduce glare and enhance colours.

Location - Port Isaac, Cornwall, England

Image enhancements - Adobe Lightroom

Comments - Image underexposed slightly to preserve highlights.